IT Security Audit

IT security audit is the best way to ensure that all of your business's security technologies and controls are performing in accordance with established standards and compliance requirements. IT security audits are conducted for information security, risk management and regulatory compliance. Security audit can reveals weaknesses in technologies, policies, controls and other key areas. Our audit process can also help companies save money by finding more efficient ways to implement IT security controls, hardware and software. Periodic security audits can ensure that IT security controls are in sync with overall business goals.

Network Audit

Cloud Infrastracture Audit

Penetration Testing

Internal and external penetration testing simulates a real world attack on your systems to identify weaknesses that lie within your environment as well as identifying potential damage that would arise as a result of a real attack. Penetration testing is generally a highly manual process, we use our experience and expertise in order to simulate an attack.

Vulnerability Scanning

Internal and external vulnerability scanning helps you identift devices and applications that have not been patched or recently have been identified as a security risk. Identifying and addressing vulnerability in a timely manner reduces the risk of it being exploded by a malicious user (scanning an environment after any significant changes is a PCI DSS requirement).

Wireless Scanning

Installing unauthorized wireless technology within a network is one of the most common ways for malicious users to gain access to the network. If a wireless device or network is installed without your authorization, it can allow an attacker to easily enter the network, we have all seen Oceans Eleven! We can help you implement processes and solutions to scan your networks for rogue wireless devices on your network ( wireless scanning is part of PCI DSS requirements).

Physical Network Audit

Sometimes the only way to detect a foreign device installed by unauthorized user, for example Wireless IDS/IPS products will not find installed wireless LAN cards is to do a physical inspection. Periodic inspections are required to keep a secure network environment.

IT Security Policy Audit

PCI Gap analysis

See PCI Gap Analysis